During OSDevCon 2009 in Dresden (no link, osdevcon.org no longer exists), I had the honor to present on some lessons learned while putting together a ZFS Automatic-Scrubbing SMF service.
Today, Deirdre was so kind to publish the video recording of my presentation on The Oracle Solaris Video Blog (no link, sun.com no longer exists).
From the description:
This talk walks you through the implementation of a simple SMF service. What sounds “simple” at first, develops a life of its own when you consider installation/de-installation, security considerations, error handling and debugging, and of course unexpected little bugs and shortcomings. Finally, we add a GUI to our service by discovering the OpenSolaris Visual Panels project. This “lessons learned” talk is intended to be a practical roundup of things to consider for developers interested in integrating with SMF.
Here’s part 1: (Sorry. Blip.tv doesn’t exist any more.) (iPod download (no link, blip.tv no longer exists))
and part 2: (Sorry. Blip.tv doesn’t exist any more.) (iPod download (no link, blip.tv no longer exists))
A whitepaper, slides and downloadable code are available from my original blog post (no link, sun.com no longer exists) about this work.
Thanks, Deirdre!
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